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Linda Johnson
I remember the first day I meet you. You were this little 5 year old blonde haired blue eyed girl that was so shy. Over the years I was fortunate enough to be your stepmother and to watch you grow into a beautiful young lady. I remember all the good times we all shared together. The holidays, the shopping, the shows that you, Katie & Sam would put on for me & your dad. The 4 hours it took you girls to get ready for Christmas pictures. The talks you and I have had over everything that you felt. I am so, happy to know that you trusted me to tell me the most personal things you had going on in your life and being able to support what you thought was right. You always took care of Katie no matter what - you would not have it any other way. I remember the day you wanted your dad to get you a tattoo for your 18th birthday and he made you make a video that you wanted it and would not regret it, and the smile you had after he agreed. Jess - you keep your dad on his toes, always let him know exactly what was on your mind good or bad, you were his rock believe it or not. I can only pray that you know the love that I felt for you and still do. I am so heartbroken and I too think this is just a bad dream. I will always love you and promise to always keep your memory alive with Faith. She loved you Jess and don't really understand what had happened because she is only 5 but, she has the memories she shared with you over the last 5 years and pictures of you all around to remind her of you. Please rest in peace baby and I know you are in heaven watching over everyone that you loved. Love you always, Linda
Theresa DeBord
I have been thinking back to the day I came to see you. You were so down on yourself but yet was still thinking of others. I tried to get you to get and apartment and be on your own a little. O no there would be none of that because you were not leaving Chelsea.  You were more worried about others than yourself. I have been mad at you today because you should have been a little more selfish about your own life. I told you to live for Jessica. I wanted so bad for you to let me help you but no you were going to do it all on your own. But I must say, I felt so close to you that day. Like you were my own daughter. We talked about things close to your heart and that makes me feel good knowing you could. I love you pretty girl. ps you know I will always wish I had your tan.
Joelene DeBord Harris

What am I remembering today?

What will I remember forever about my little sister?

Let me write it down, thats what she would have done......

I will remember her smile

with her braces and then without.

I will remember her eyes

brighter than the sunny skies.

I will remember her with Chelsea,

and I will remember the way they would play.

The way she deeply understood,

perhaps more than I ever could.

I will remember her patience,

and at the same time, I will remember her hating to wait.

I know that it was not fate,

for her to leave us,

but maybe it was God's inability to wait.

However we all know

that we will never be te same after November 7th 2010....

Which is something else I will remember.

And this is the Bible verse I remember during this time of loss:

Mat 17:20 KJV the words of Christ in RED:

I will remember how blessed we were to know you,

and to have looked upon your face.

I will remember your beautiful hair without a twig out of place.

Jessica, you were greater than you ever knew,

and now I wish I could have shown you how wonderful life could have been.You will be deeply missed and always remembered by me in this way. My beautiful little sister.

I love you always

 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Samantha Taft

My sister, my best friend... Last year we got tattoos together- it was my 2nd and your first! You were so brave!!! Didn't cry at all!! You tattoo was music notes, because that was your passion! I will never forget that day or any other day we had together! I remember we would torment poor Katie and put cheese in her ear! She was so mad but we all laughed so hard we almost peeed our pants! I also remember we were home one winter and you came running in the living room with socks on (we had a hard wood floor) and you fell and went right underneath the chairs! Again, we almost peeed our pants from laughing so hard!!! You were the best sister and best friend a girl could ask for, you were always there for Katie and even though I lived in FL and you lived in TN everytime you came down I had the BIGGEST smile on my face and I was the 1st one to say "I'LL PICK HER UP FROM THE AIRPORT!!!!" I love you so much!!!! Remember when we were little and we used to get all dressed up and pretend we were the Spice Girls!!! Jess, you were always Baby Spice because you had beautiful BLUE eyes! Katie was always Scary Spice because she had the crazy curly hair! And I was Posh Spice! Last summer when we got tattoos you knew Adam was going to propose to me before I knew! You were the first to see the ring and the first to congratulate us! You are such a wonderful person Jess! We always had the best times! I know, I could go on and on about all the fantastic times we had together...  I know God gained an Angel and you are in a much better place but I'm still jealous he has you and we dont...

I love you Jessica Morgan- FOREVER!

Kari Earehart
I will never forget all the times we had growing up since we were in diapers. I cant even explain all the good times we had, and all the promises we made to one another. I will never forget the time we went to Baltimore one summer and we werent even there and hour and you had already skinned up both of your knees. Or all the times we would walk to school and take a different way every day just because we thought we were grown up walking to school by ourselves. I miss all the summers we spent driving our parents crazy. I know you are in heaven watching over all of us and we will meet again so this isnt goodbye Jess...this is see you later. I LOVE YOU! RIP.
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